Tropical House, Marwell Zoo, Jan 2018
Marwell Zoo, Winchester
268 m2 Raised
Themed Walkways
Marwell Zoo, Tropical House
Two Levels of Walkways and Vantage Points
The new Tropical House would allow visitors to Marwell Zoo to come face to face with wildlife and excotic plants in a tropical environment.
As part of the planned immersive experience, the design team at Marwell Zoo were keen for the tropical theme to include the walkways and viewing platforms throughout the exhibit.

A Challenging Working Environment
Following the success of the themed printed concrete surfaces installed by DCS outside at the Rhino Enclosure, the Marwell Zoo team approached us again. But this time with a whole new set of challenges.
The design of the exhibit and the build programme would result in our team being able to install the themed walkways and viewing platforms only once many of the tropical plants were in place.
This meant not only completing the full installation in and among the tropical plants, but working in the temperatures and humidity levels of a real tropical environment.
Installing Printed Concrete in a Tropical Environment
Our team adapted working practices and materials to protect the plant life already living in the environment and to ensure the themed surfaces could be installed in the unfavourable conditions.
The result is nearly 300 square meters of themed printed concrete walkways over two levels which provide visitors with the immersive experience the designers of this stunning exhibit were looking for.

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