DCS Quality Management Policy Statement

Version 2.3 – May 2018

Decorative Concrete Specialists Ltd (DCS) prides itself on delivering the highest levels of service to all clients and recognises the importance of maintaining strict quality management standards. DCS endeavours to provide a quality service that meets, and where possible exceeds, the needs and objectives of all our clients. Continuous improvement and feedback are essential to the development of our quality processes, and are documented and retained to ensure that quality management principles are rigorously enforced.

To meet this commitment, DCS recognises the importance of involving all levels of the workforce in the development, management and review of our processes and business improvement plans. In order to achieve this the senior management is to ensure that the Quality Policy is communicated to all those working on behalf of DCS. Additionally, we are committed to ensuring that all employees are competent to fulfil their role in meeting the objectives of this policy.

DCS is committed to seeking to achieve continual improvement in all areas of our business activity through the use of objectives and improvement plans. While ultimate responsibility for quality matters within DCS rests with the Managing Director, all members of the management team will ensure the business is managed and adequately resourced, with adequate welfare facilities and appropriate human, financial and equipment resources available to ensure that a quality service can be provided.

DCS is committed to the continual improvement of our quality management and performance, which is being achieved though the development of objectives and performance indicators and needs the involvement of all employees. DCS encourages a culture of open communication where employees can freely raise ideas and concerns. Managers and supervisors will ensure they treat the concerns of employees seriously and respond accordingly.

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